Nearly half of all families in the United States today struggle to provide the diapers their children need–a sharp increase from 33% in 2010.
This issue, known as “diaper need,” has wide-reaching consequences that impact nearly every facet of a family’s life and contributes to devastating, lifelong challenges.
For children, sitting in soiled diapers leads to health issues, including painful diaper rashes, harmful urinary tract infections, and severe skin reactions.
For parents who struggle to afford diapers, feelings of stress and shame often lead to mental and physical health issues–as well as a higher potential for domestic abuse in the home.
This is about so much more than "just a diaper." This affects everything.
For many families, experiencing diaper need is like crashing into the tip of an iceberg–it can lead to a series of compounding challenges that go well beyond “just a dirty diaper.”

Diaper need impacts economic mobility.
Most childcare centers require parents to provide a supply of clean diapers. Without those diapers, parents cannot access childcare needed to go to work, limiting their economic mobility and entrenching families in a cycle of generational poverty.
According to the National Diaper Bank Network, in the last 30 days, 1 in 4 parents experiencing diaper need had to miss work due to lack of diapers.
Diaper need impacts the mental health crisis.
For parents who struggle to afford diapers, feelings of stress and shame often lead to mental and physical health issues–as well as a higher potential for domestic abuse in the home.
Studies have found strong links between diaper need and maternal depression.
Diaper need impacts gender disparities.
The burden of childcare is not shared equally, with women more likely to stay home. One study found that the inability to access child care resulted in an estimated 13% decline in employment for mothers with children under age five. Nationwide over the past two decades–as the cost of daycare and diapers has gone up–women’s labor force participation in the United States has stalled, while other major developed nations have seen continued growth.
Diaper need impacts hunger, including childhood hunger.
According to a study by The National Diaper Bank Network, 35% of families experiencing diaper need reported cutting back on buying food to eat–and more than a quarter of parents (28%) said they had to skip meals entirely–in order to afford diapers for their children.
Diaper need impacts everyone.
There is no one “type” of family who experiences diaper need. The crisis cuts across all income levels and family types. 66% of families experiencing diaper need are categorized as low income, 28% are middle income, and 6% are high income.

The statistics are shocking.
of families struggle.
Nearly half of all U.S. families struggle to afford the diapers their children need. This is an increase from 33% in 2010.
pediatric visits.
For children, sitting in soiled diapers leads to health issues, including painful diaper rashes, harmful urinary tract infections, and severe skin reactions.
In the U.S., it is estimated that 1 million pediatric visits each year are from diaper-related issues. Diaper rash incurs $4.3 million in medical expenses per year, and can lead to more severe secondary infections requiring pediatric hospitalizations.
of the family budget.
For some families, diapers comprise 14% of their total post-tax income.
For those struggling to make ends meet, this can lead to impossible choices.
of the need.
Despite best efforts, diaper banks, the type of charity most people assume is solving this problem, are only able to meet a heartbreaking 3% of the national need.
Current solutions are not enough.
Many people are shocked to learn that government assistance programs like food stamps and WIC do not allow parents to purchase diapers. Currently, no federal assistance program does.
Despite the critical nature of this crisis, current solutions–primarily diaper banks–are only able to meet 3% of the demand.
These models can be frustrating–even heartbreaking–for families, as well. For example, time-strapped parents may wait in line at a diaper bank’s distribution partner for hours, only to discover that the size or brand of diaper their child desperately needs is not available that day.
We believe this is unacceptable.
No federal program, not even WIC, allows parents to purchase diapers for their children."

MOD is the innovative solution to the diaper crisis.
Our Diaper Dollars program puts diaper options firmly in parents’ hands, and removes stigma. By leveraging technology, we expand upon current solutions and augment the good work already being done to end diaper need.
Diaper Dollars fits into busy parents’ schedules, allowing them to seamlessly buy diapers at regular retail stores in their own neighborhood, freeing up time and resources to dedicate to caring for their precious little one.
Become a monthly donor
By applying modern technology to an age-old problem, we can disrupt the landscape of the diaper crisis and offer families–and society–a better way forward.

Give a gift in honor of someone special
Honor a loved one–a parent, teacher, or mentor–by making an official donation in their honor. Whatever the occasion, make it meaningful. Print out an e-card to show their impact.

Bring Diaper Dollars to your community
MOD Collective is looking for sponsors who can give boldly to expand the reach of Diaper Dollars and make diapers affordable for even more families in need.